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  I just released org.conman.parsers.url 2.0.1 [1], a module to parse URLs into
an easy to use table.  Some examples:

	url = require "org.conman.parsers.url"
	x = url:match "";

	x =
	  scheme = "https",
	  host = "",
	  port = 443,
	  query = "q=foo%20bar&lang=en",
	  fragment = "anchor-2",
	  path = "/cgi-bin/search",

	x = url:match "";

	x =
	  scheme = "https",
	  host = "",
	  path = "/one/two/three.html",
	  port = 4443,
	  user = "fred:password",

  Available via LuaRocks: "luarocks install org.conman.parsers.url".

  -spc (Enjoy)

[1]	Source code: