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I have done this many times now on windows 10. The way I do it is first combine all my Lua script files into 1 file with

Once I have 1 script file I use glue and srlua to create the executable. I compile srlua and glue using codeblocks. I have attached the setup file here. Hope this helps.
It also helps to check on the executable to package other dependency dll files with your executable.


On Fri, Nov 22, 2019 at 11:32 AM Stefan Schroeder <> wrote:
I have created a useful utility using Lua and the IUP GUI library that I want to share with my co-workers.

But I cannot expect them to install the Lua interpreter just for this tool. That's why I was looking for ways to build a
fat single executable.

I have tried everything: 

I tried 
the lua-distros from 

As a last resort I am trying srlua from
But the Makefile is for Linux and Darwin only, I have tried to compile with Cygwin-Mingw,Gnuwin32-Mingw, TDM-GCC and had no success, although it was reported here:
that it would work. 

I am looking for a step-by-step guide how to compile a Lua script into a Single executable binary in Windows 10.

Can please somebody walk me through it? I feel really stupid although I am a developer w/ 20 years experience (but new to Lua, though).


Attachment: srlua.cbp
Description: Binary data

Attachment: glue.cbp
Description: Binary data