From a decimal perspective the binary rounding seems strange.
Especially if the representation is not exact, one has to trust
the hidden "round to nearest“ function as one can see in the
following example.
-- test
for i = 1,#n do
x = string.format("%.1f",n[i])
print(n[i].." "..x.." "..(x-n[i]))
-- output
6.05 6.0 -0.05
6.15 6.2 0.05
6.25 6.2 -0.05
6.35 6.3 -0.05
6.45 6.5 0.05
6.55 6.5 -0.05
6.65 6.7 0.05
6.75 6.8 0.05
6.85 6.8 -0.05
6.95 7.0 0.05
Nevertheless it is the right way to round with as less bias as possible.
So i agree with you, that it's a feature and not a bug. Thx for the
patience and explanations.