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hi there! :)

i dunno why `~=` came into lua, i believe it have historical
background, but i think the best would be to delay any of these sugar
operators to 6.0 (if ever, but im not against them, just the
unresolved syntax collision...) while provide a converter only for
`~=` --> `!=` (preferably written in lua, 5.x and 6.0 both in case of
need) that can be either bulletproof, or suggestive, where it tells
1st what it would change, and then people can check if its fine or
not.... otherwise the language will become ugly if we must go around
the existing syntax for extending lua... probably this can be a thing
to consider also about `--` (comment/decrement) but that won't be as
smooth as `~=`, cuz `--` can and will appear in more unexpected forms,
like in different stylings...

the better alternative is still a preprocessor that i suggested
earlier, that will save some keypresses but wont make lua better in
functionality... the key point there was selectable conversions that
is a manner of a lua table that can arrive with different projects, so
everyone can use their most beloved set of syntax sugar while the
translation base will still be our beloved current lua, or even just
an another file that waits for the preprocessor but with different
settings... :D

bests! :)