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hi there! :)

`{sin x}` is safe, but if `x` is a string or a table (not held by the
variable `x`) then it will fail, or even `(...)` as an argument that
is about trimming the values after the 1st one would fail... or `{fun
(whatever).. somethingElse}` would fail...

about tables of functions:
function() end;
function() end;
function() end;

random halfway related idea:
ive also seen configs that require/allow `;` as a separator ([bash,
ini]?!) for key-value pairs can be used like `loadstring('return {'..
readFile(conf).. '}')` (if i just wrote what i actually wanted :D )

otherwise if anything like this should happen, i would still prefer to
see (nope, not really that much, but a weak maybe) newlines as
separators, something like in js, but i think ive left a not really
satisfied message in the near past under that topic... but maybe we
could even enjoy it, who knows, i still use `;` in js but not in lua

have fun, bests! :)