Yes, great documentation, but I found a missing section
## Using Luarocks with LuaVela
After configuring/building LuaVela with option -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=SOMEWHERE
You could use the latest dev Luarocks on master branch, with the following options
After, make & make install, you could run
SOMEWHERE/bin/luarocks install somerock
That works with pure Lua modules, but fails with native modules.
Because, package.cpath contains SOMEWHERE/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lua/5.1/?.so
and luarocks install them in SOMEWHERE/lib/lua/5.1
## A nice to have
currently, we could see versions, like this:
$ luavela -v
LuaVela aka uJIT 0.24-dev0 -- Copyright (C) 2015-2019 IPONWEB Ltd.$ luavela -e 'print(_VERSION)'
Lua 5.1
$ luavela -e 'print(jit.version)'
LuaJIT 2.0.5
It could be nice to have:
$ luavela -e 'print(ujit.version)'
LuaVela 0.24-dev0