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It was thus said that the Great Kynn Jones once stated:
> Hi Sean,
> Thank you for the detailed explanation.

  You're welcome.

> I think that the disconnect here is that I am trying (**really,
> really, really hard**) to implement what Roberto Ierusalimschy
> recommends in chapter 25 (pp. 261-264) of *Programming in Lua*, 4th
> ed., while you (and Coda Highland) are of the opinion (I think) that
> such a strategy is unnecessary.  (Apologies if I misunderstood.)

  A sandbox is just a limited environment in which you run a program.  For
Lua, this can be anything from an environment devoid of *any* prewritten
functions to one with most functions available.  Here's a table of Lua
functions that will still be useful, but limits the program from creating
new files, excecuting other programs, or accessing some low level Lua

	newenv =
	  -- include these functions
	  assert   = assert,
	  error    = error,
	  ipairs   = ipairs,
	  pairs    = ipairs,
	  next     = next,
	  pcall    = pcall,
	  print    = print, -- we can write to stdout
	  select   = select,
	  tonumber = tonumber,
	  tostring = tostring,
	  type     = type,
	  xpcall   = xpcall,
	  -- these modules in their entirety
	  math   = math,
	  table  = table,
	  string = string,
	  utf8   = utf8,
	  -- and these with limited functionality
	  io =
	    stdin  = io.stdin, -- keep this around
	    stdout = io.stdout, -- and this
	    stderr = io.stderr, -- and this
	  os =
	    clock     = os.clock,
	    date      =,
	    difftime  = os.difftime,
	    exit      = os.exit,
	    getnev    = os.getenv,
	    setlocale = os.setlocale,
	    time      = os.time,
	newenv._G = newenv
	sandboxcode = loadfile(untrustedcode,'t',newenv)
  Not all functions are included, and certainly, arguments could be made for
including stuff I left out, or excluding stuff I left in.  But there's still
a lot of Lua code that could conceivably run with just the functions listed
above.  For instance, I left out require(), but it's easy to provide one
that restricts which modules can be used in the sandboxed code:

	local okaymods =
	  ['lpeg']           = true, -- just a sample of useful modules
	  ['org.conman.env'] = true,
	  ['argparse']       = true,
	  ['math']           = true, -- some code might require these
	  ['table']          = true, -- standard modules, so let them
	  ['string']         = true, -- through even though they're
	  ['utf8']           = true, -- already available "globally"
	function newenv.require(modname)
	  if okaymods[modname] then
	    return require(modname)
	  elseif modname == 'io' then -- in case some code is trying to
	    return          -- be cute ... 
	  elseif modname = 'os' then
	    return newenv.os
	    error(string.format("Module %s not allowed",modname))

> In other words, I am not trying to solve any practical problem; I am
> only trying to understand the book's approach to sandboxing.  At the
> moment, I think that I still don't understand it (because I cannot put
> it into practice satisfactorily).

  I can't help with that, as I do not own the book.  But I am familiar with
the concept of sandboxing, as are some other people on this mailing list. 
And depending upon your threat model, sandboxing is pretty easy to very darn
