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On Tue, Jun 25, 2019 at 7:49 PM Sergey Kovalev <> wrote:
> Can this code solve auto close problem

It can solve some problems, and introduce others ( one of them is lack
of doc for it, but I'll blame that on the situation, and it seems to
assume init/error/done and some more donot error, and gives you lot of
behaviour which may be adequate for a project but not for others ).

For a big project, writing one of these and sticking to it, may be
good. <toclose> can be used as a building block for that, and as the
final solution if appropiate, it's basically a try-with-resources,
useful for somethings, not so much for others, quite powerful, being a
built-in, if you shape your code to use it. And being a built-in it
has the potential to save you a lot of code compared to other
alternatives. It seems it could be totally emulated by using pcall
wisely, but it is simple to use and short.

The only thing I dislike is the propagation on all the line ( which I
thing has been pointed as leading to problems in some examples
), and may be the constness ( which forbids me shutting down __close,
but this can be easily avoided with a mini class ) and optional
closing can easily be done by deferring <toclose> a bit, which can
also solve the problem.

Francisco Olarte.