I believe that GLOBAL const variables would be much more useful.
Let's introduce both const
local variables and const
table fields.
local a = 1 -- variable "a" is defined as usual variable
a = 2 -- OK
a := 3 -- "assign forever" operator, variable "a" is const now
a = 4 -- run-time error
a := 5 -- run-time error
local b := 6 -- "b" is defined as const, the compiler does see it
b = 7 -- compile-time error
b := 8 -- compile-time error
local t = {x := 9}
t.x = 10 -- run-time error (the field "x" is a const)
t = {x := 10} -- OK, because the variable "t" was not a const
t := {x := 11} -- both "t" and its field "x" are const
t.x = 12 -- run-time error
t = {x := 12} -- run-time error
math.pi = 3 -- run-time error ("pi" is a const field in math)
_VERSION = 0x54 -- run-time error ("_VERSION" is a const field in _ENV)
t.fuck := nil -- to prohibit adding obscene field to this table
(1) One syntax for both const local varables and const table fields.
(2) Nice possibility to mark variable const in the middle of its lifetime.
(3) Compile-time error whenever possible, otherwise run-time error.
(4) No need to use ugly/debatable syntax like <const>, @const, @(const) or (@const)
(5) No need to introduce new keywords
(6) We can use more simple syntax to mark to-be-closed variables (wrap them in parentheses),
so the decision about introducing of annotation-like things to Lua could be postponed until Lua 5.5
local pi, (resource) := 4*math.atan(1), setmetatable(obj, {__release=...})
local (file) = io.open(...) -- compile-time error, resource's definition must use ":="
(-1) Every local variable should store one additional bit of run-time data.
(-2) Every Lua table should store one additional bit for each key.
(-3) You have to explicitly specify keys for const fields:
local arr = {[1] := "one", [2] := "two"} -- not nice
(-4) To be able to clone a table preserving all constant fields,
some standard Lua functions/metamethods should be modified:
-- "is_const" is boolean
local value, is_const = rawget(t, key)
rawset(t, key, value, is_const) -- this function couldn't unconst a field
for key, value, is_const in pairs(t) do
for key, value, is_const in ipairs(t) do
function __newindex(t, key, value, is_const)