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sorry, i accidentally sent my msg undone while editing, so here is the end

(also, sorry for the length, however i marked the calmly skippable stuffs)

note, that the 2nd "[not so important part]" wanted to be "[/not so
important part]" in the previous message!


> @attributename              -- for attributes without arguments
   @(attributename arguments)  -- for attributes with arguments

+1, but a big ONE!
currently this is the most friendly for my eyes; there is a simple and
an advanced form; its more harmonic with other languages; those huge
`@` signs are good indicators to not misinterpret the code, and also,
it doesnt overload existing stuffs to give space for confusion.

[not so important part]
i even thought that i hate the new lua when ive seen `*toclose`, but
up to this point, slowly im about to accept the new game... mostly cuz
its just a matter of organizing codes, as we lived fine without
this/these, and it just gives more more twist to the codeflow; and cuz
i prefer minimalism and luajit, and it feels a bit like as a pointless
run for growing the abyss, that is really against the luaverse, where
luajit have  its own rank and weight that cant be overlooked, but it
just wont help much to aid anything, but only a cornercase ive never
seen, and that will just overcomplicate out nice playground...

(there is no need to correct me about these or anything like, i think
it could take much words to start to talk about these, and i didnt
even intented to be perfectly legit/clean here, just somewhat
summarize my view/feelings/thoughts/whatever. also, plz dont hate me
for anything in this block, its nothing too serious...)
[/not so important part]


[clearly offtopic; and not even so much important!]

about mailing lists, threads, netiquette:

i think Philippe made a big and great effort, thought much about it,
ideas came after ideas, and didnt even say bulls*t or repeat himself
in empty phrases, or gone too far from the topic. otherwise netiquette
is clearly an offtopic, and it wasnt just 3-5 lines of text, but NO
offense!! i see ur good intention, and u werent even rude (and i dont
even really know how to hate anyone, im a hippie :D )

so i think there is no way to be consistent, when ppl start a new
thread related to some hot topics, ill read whichever thread have the
oldest reply and the whole will become messy as they are actually
still somewhat related. furthermore we are humans, we have a lot to
think/say, and its impossible to not come up here and there with
anything that have weaker or no relation with the actual topic...
things dont really have clear boundaries, more ppl will talk about the
same, more threads will be about the same, and different topics will
have their relations. we are trying to "serialize" endless graphs... i
think a search for "cat" on lua-l will actually yield something that
is not `cat example.lua`, but if not, then maybe i can give a shot for
"coffee"... :D

actually i have an idea (for real e-democracy) that can resolve all of
bad wordings, endless repetitions from different mouths, organization
and whatever current problems we have on any forums, but that requires
its own ecosystem and not suitable for the current systems, so we have
to live with issues and try our best til i make it done, but thats a
too long topic for now, even if not totally a secret, just in its
incubator state against illuminati and the like whoever would/could
wreck it with money/power/big team/opposite will/whatever before it
would become any much mature, but the good thing in it is that its in
lua and will be free - uhmm ... whenever ill reach that point... :D i
hope before the world will start burn in flames, but not before it
will be enough mature to not catalyze just the same (if anything, but
im optimistic :) )

my actual point of view about off topics netiquette and the like is
that i know that im an "alien", and i dont think that my random bits
would deserve their own topics and get more than a half reply, but i
only want it to be read by the right ppl (just think about it, look at
my messages, and ull see they wont fit neither that way :D ) so i only
try my best to be kind with everyone, to warn the audience about
anything like unimportant/offtopic/whatever stuffs, and to talk
rarely, while hoping i wont be hated by anyone, and wont get on those
blacklists... :D

otherwise suggestions are always welcome (preferably off list, i
already disturbed enough for now :D ) about my behavior/style/whatever
to try to make everyone as happy as im able to do so, but not more
than that, cuz im an "alien", but with good intentions... :)

basic html gmail collapesed the messages when sent the previous msg,
so i just wont search for a quote, but also +1 for the "happy lua
syntax" guideline as well! :D

[/clearly offtopic; and not even so much important!]

all the bests to everyone, especially for Lorenzo, cuz i really didnt
want to be any much offensive or whatever like so! :) peace, and lua
forever! ;)