On Wed, Jun 5, 2019 at 6:17 PM Xavier Wang wrote:
So, we just do not append a '(' after the name, like this:
local x = a:integer + b:integer
It's invalid in current Lua.
or like this:
for multiple annotations, this should works:
local x:toclose:MyClass = MyClass.new()
How the following should be interpreted:
local x = a:MyClass(b:MyAnotherClass)
Does it mean
local x = a.MyClass(a, b)
local x = a(b)
It should be x = a.MyClass(a, b), and makes an error (because there is no MyClass in a), the correct way to write it:
local x = (a:MyClass)(b:MyAnotherClass)
It's just like "foo":format() is an error, you must write ("foo"):format()
and, you want call a as a function? why you need type annotation in this case?
Xavier Wang.