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Matthew Wild:
> As the maintainer of a >50k-line Lua codebase that extensively uses
local variables named "resource", I beg to differ with the "it won't
mess with anything" assertion.

lol, sure, thx for correcting me! :) i considered only language
compatibility, not legacy codes...

> It's easy to argue over the "ugliness" of the current alpha-rc1
syntax, but let's not forget that it has merits too.

sure too, actually i didnt even want to join in the lines of those who
made suggestions. just as i finally came around, i left here the idea,
cuz one of the beauties of lua is the harmony with itself that
generally gives nice possibilities. :) like the `_ENV` var brought
that one step nearer (just the harmony, but the functions for handling
env are just as flexible, i think), or as the `{}:fun()` would be in
harmony with `fun{}` without more confusion for the interpreter than
`a=b ({}):fun()` already have, so i just followed this line, without
thinking too much where could a `@{...}`-like beast lead, but that was
not about beauty, but possibilities... :)

btw even something like `<a_table>` could do the same trick (in case
of whatever need), just not that relevantly... otherwise maybe the
angle brackets are still the best in the name of beauty, but i was
more about harmony and possibilities, as maybe anyone could come up
with something in the name of usefulness. :)