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>>>>> "David" == David Heiko Kolf <> writes:

 >> This. DOES. NOT. MATTER. to me. All that matters is that the error

 David> But this is exactly what could happen when you throw the error
 David> in a finalizer: The code might currently be in a pcall which
 David> doesn't expect your finalizer error and therefor also doesn't
 David> react to it -- the code following the pcall would continue as
 David> usual, you just skipped some random code.

Except that this can't happen because I already replaced the visible
pcall() function with one that does the necessary error recovery:

My complaint about ignoring errors in finalizers is, like my earlier
complaint about function values for <toclose>, based on the fact that it
results in errors being caught in a way that the sandboxing code can't
