> lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, r);
I suspect this is a bug in DerelictLua.
Lua defines lua_rawgeti thus:
int lua_rawgeti (lua_State *L, int index, lua_Integer n);
While DerelictLua defines its binding thus:
alias da_lua_rawgeti = int function(lua_State*, int, int);
Note that the last parameter is of a different type. I would guess the Lua DLL that you use was built using the "stock" config, where lua_Integer is a 64-bit integer, while D's int is always a 32-bit value. Your 64-bit Linux will use register-based ABI, where this does not matter, while 32-bit Windows will use stack-based ABI, which makes all the difference.
This should fix the problem:
alias da_lua_rawgeti = int function(lua_State*, int, long);
You might want to check all the bindings, though.