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I'm still not familiar with the format, the code part is missing, so I post
it again:

The first example:

 >   -- Declare a web applcaiton as the private environment
 >   Application "TestWebApp" (function(_ENV)                     
 >       __Route__("/user", HttpMethod.GET)   -- Bind the route GET
/user?name=ann to the function                          
 >       __Form__{ name = { type = String, require = true } }  -- Bind the
form validation, the result will be passed to the form & err
 >       __Json__()   -- The return value will be serialized as JSON to the
 >       function JsonHandler(context, form, err)
 >           if err then return {} end
 >           local user
 >           -- Like the Using in C#, auto close the database connection
 >           with(UserDataContext())(function(ctx)
 >               -- Get the serializable data entity
 >               user = ctx.Users:Query{ name = }:First() or {}
 >           end, function(err)
 >               -- skip
 >           end)
 >           return user or {}
 >       end
 >   end)

The second example:

 >   UnitTest "UnitTest.Example" (function(_ENV)
 >       __Test__"Should always succeed"
 >       function test1() end
 >       __Test__"Should always fail"
 >       function test2() Assert.Nil(1) end
 >   end)
 >   Module "Type.Validation" (function(_ENV)
 >       __Return__{ String }
 >       __Arguments__{ String, Number/1 }
 >       function rep(str, count)
 >           return string.rep(str, count)
 >       end
 >       print(rep("h"))     -- h
 >       print(rep("h", "")) -- Usage: rep(System.String, [System.Number =
1]) - the 2nd argument must be number, got string
 >   end)

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