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Hi Douglas

The function 'rows' could return the cursor along with the iterator:

function rows (connection, sql_statement)
  local cursor = assert (connection:execute (sql_statement))
  return function ()
    return cursor:fetch()
  end, cursor -- this line changed!

But in that case, you'll have to change the loop:

local iter, cursor = rows (con, "select name, email from people")
for name, email in iter do
  print (string.format ("%s: %s", name, email))

Some drivers might close the cursor when the last result is reached,
such as Postgres and SQLite 3.  The problem with the code you posted
is about visibility, not closing cursors :-)


Em seg, 15 de abr de 2019 às 10:41, douglas mcallaster
<> escreveu:
> Folks,
> I'm brand new to Lua.
> Using LuaSql could be very cool.
> Below code has two test scripts:
> the first one works
> but the second one fails -- per my comments on the two cursor:close() lines
> Would a kind soul edit the second one so that it would work?
> I really am new, so I need explicit corrections
> ==============================
> ---------------------------------
> -- below job does work, very cool:
> ---------------------------------
> require      "luasql.sqlite3"
> env = assert (luasql.sqlite3())
> con = assert (env:connect("try1.db"))
> cur = assert (con:execute[[SELECT name, email from people]])
> row = cur:fetch ({}, "a")
> while row do
>   print(string.format([[
>   Name: %s, Email: %s]]
>   ,
>   ,
>   row = cur:fetch (row, "a")
> end
> cur:close()
> con:close()
> env:close()
> --------------------------------------------------------
> -- but below iterator (from luasql manual) does NOT work
> --------------------------------------------------------
> function rows (connection, sql_statement)
>   local cursor = assert (connection:execute (sql_statement))
>   return function ()
>     return cursor:fetch()
>   end
> end
> require      "luasql.sqlite3"
> env = assert (luasql.sqlite3())
> con = assert (env:connect("try1.db"))
> for name, email in rows (con, "select name, email from people") do
>   print (string.format ("%s: %s", name, email))
> end
> --cursor:close()  without this statement error is: there are open cursors
> cursor:close()    -- with this statement error is: attempt to index global cursor
> con:close()
> env:close()