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>>>>> "Gabriel" == Gabriel Bertilson <> writes:

 Gabriel> I guess without a table, the arguments can be stored as
 Gabriel> upvalues. The following makes an iterator generator that sets
 Gabriel> its arguments as upvalues to a closure, with the total number
 Gabriel> of upvalues as the first upvalue. (Is there a way to avoid
 Gabriel> that first upvalue?)

Yes. Quoth the docs (for 5.3 at least):

    The first upvalue associated with a function is at index
    lua_upvalueindex(1), and so on. Any access to lua_upvalueindex(n),
    where n is greater than the number of upvalues of the current
    function (but not greater than 256, which is one plus the maximum
    number of upvalues in a closure), produces an acceptable but invalid

This means that if there are n upvalues, then lua_upvalueindex(n+1) is
always an acceptable index, which means it's safe to call lua_type on
it, which will return LUA_TNONE since it's an invalid index. Whereas
upvalues 1..n will have types other than LUA_TNONE.

 Gabriel> Then the closure receives an unused first argument and a
 Gabriel> second argument i, and it returns the i-plus-one-th argument
 Gabriel> to the original function (similar to the behavior of the
 Gabriel> function returned by ipairs). Not sure if this is more or less
 Gabriel> efficient memory-wise than using a table.

I don't see any obvious reason why it would be more efficient - creating
the closure is allocating an object, after all, and it seems that
closures with upvalues probably would be more overhead than tables. But
I've not tried it.
