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It was thus said that the Great Philippe Verdy once stated:
> So you just demonstrater that you just want to polemicate, 

  You said, and I'm quoting you here, "DLL modules on Windows, as well as on
OS/2, are based on directly on the ELF format," which runs counter to how I
understand computing history.

  Microsoft first created DLLs for Windows, starting with version 1.0
(release in 1985).  OS/2 (released in 1987) inherited the concept from
Windows (OS/2 being a joint project between IBM and Microsoft at the time).

  System V, Release 4 (released in 1988), a combined project between AT&T
and Sun Microsystems, was when the ELF format was introduced.  At best, one
could say that ELF was inspired by Windows DLLs, but what you said is ...
not based upon facts.  That in turn, makes me discount what you say due to
the inaccuracy.  

> you don't
> provide any useful help with your very shortsighted view when the
> discussion was much more generic...
> We were giving some examples, now you interpret the examples as being the
> only available options (which they are not, programmers will always invent
> new alternatives).

  I initally four examples on two platforms, Linux and Solaris.  Then Ivan
provided some of the examples on Windows.  The results were:

mail() calls func1() calls func2()

func1(),func2() in same translation unit, in a library, providing myfunc2(),
static compilation:
	Linux:		failed to link
	Solaris:	failed to link

func1(),func2() in different translations units, in a library, providing
myfunc2(), static compilation:
	Linux:		linked, run, myfunc2() called.
	Solaris:	linked, run, myfunc2() called.
	Windows:	lihked, run, myfunc2() called.

func1(),func2() in same translation unit, as a shared library, providing
	Linux:		linked, run, myfunc2() called.
	Solaris:	linked, run, myfunc2() called.

func1(),func2() in different translations units, as a shared library,
providing myfunc2():
	Linux:		linked, run, myfunc2() called.
	Solaris:	linked, run, myfunc2() called.
	Windows:	linked, run, func1() called (NOTE DIFFERENCE!)

So, what damn examples did YOU give that I interpreted as being the only
available options?  Because I've seen very little in the way of actual
examples given, or citations to references, or anything from you.
