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Hi Andriy,

the search path for libraries seems to be highly system/installation dependent,
at least under Manjaro Linux the "xml-1.1.3-1.rockspec" installs without problems.

Can "xml-1.1.3" be installed using the attached "xml-1.1.3-2.rockspec" on your

Best regards,

package = "xml"
version = "1.1.3-2"
source = {
  url = 'git://',
  tag = 'REL-1.1.3',
  dir = 'xml',
description = {
  summary = "Very fast xml parser based on RapidXML",
  detailed = [[
    This module is part of the Lubyk project.

    Main features are:
     - Fast and easy to use
     - Complete documentation
     - Based on proven code (RapidXML)
     - Full test coverage

    Read the documentation at
  homepage = "";,
  license = "MIT"

dependencies = {
  "lua >= 5.1, < 5.4",
  "lub >= 1.0.3, < 2",
build = {
  type = 'cpp',
  modules = {
    -- Plain Lua files
    ['xml'            ] = 'xml/init.lua',
    ['xml.Parser'     ] = 'xml/Parser.lua',
    -- C module
    ['xml.core'       ] = {
      sources = {
      incdirs   = {'include', 'src/bind', 'src/vendor'},