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Am 26.09.2018 um 17:46 schrieb Scott Morgan:
On 14/09/2018 20:57, Jim wrote: Some sugar maybe but something along the lines of: if item = find_something() then item:do_stuff() end With `item` being local to the if scope, and not polluting the wider block. So effectively it translates to this begin local item = find_something() if item then item:do_stuff() end end Could probably do with it in while loops too. Seems to flow with the for loop syntax, so not that wild an idea :) Scott
Hmmm.To me this is to close to the = vs == discussion in Languages like C, JavaScript, etc.
It is for a reason that in Lua an assignment is not legal in an expression. What about: when( find_something() ):do_stuff()with when() being a function that returns the parameter or a table with a do_stuff method without effect?
local function when( this ) return this or { do_stuff = function() end } end For arbitrary do_stuff()s metatable's __index is your friend... -- Oliver