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It was thus said that the Great Ką Mykolas once stated:
> $ diff ./first.txt ./second.txt
> 1,2c1,3
> < Luadroid is a high performace bridge for executing java code in lua in
> amdroid or exectuting lua code in android. Yeah, you can
> < use luajava or luaj on other platforms. Its syntax is very similar to the
> original java syntax.
> ---
> > Because the first one is gibberish, so I resend the email.
> >
> > Luadroid is a high performace bridge for executing java code in lua in
> amdroid or exectuting lua code in android. Yeah, you can  use luajava or
> luaj on other platforms. Its syntax is very similar to the original java
> syntax.
> o_0 What do You mean by "gibberish"?

  When I received the first email, it came as one long paragraph spanning
the entire width of the window, making it hard to read.
