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Hi list,

I've released Luacheck 0.23.0. Luacheck is a linter for Lua, detecting
accidental globals, unused variables and values, unreachable code, etc.,

To install it with LuaRocks run `luarocks install luacheck`.


Breaking changes

* Removed `--no-inline` CLI option and `inline` config option, inline options
  are now always enabled.
* Inline option comments are now supposed to be only in short
  comments (-- ...) but not long ones (--[[...]]).
* Installer script (install.lua) is removed. Luacheck can still be installed
  manually by recursively copying `src/*` to a directory in `package.path`
  and copying `bin/luacheck.lua` to a directory in `PATH` as `luacheck`.

New features and improvements

* Warning columns are now reported in Unicode codepoints if input is
  valid UTF-8.
* Added indentaion-based guessing of a better location for missing `end`
  and `until` syntax errors.
* Added `luacheckrc` set of allowed globals containing globals used in
  Luacheck config to set options.
* Added default stds equivalent to predefined per-path std overrides
  in config:
  - `files["**/spec/**/*_spec.lua"].std = "+busted"`;
  - `files["**/test/**/*_spec.lua"].std = "+busted"`;
  - `files["**/tests/**/*_spec.lua"].std = "+busted"`;
  - `files["**/*.rockspec"].std = "+rockspec"`;
  - `files["**/*.luacheckrc"].std = "+luacheckrc"`.
* Added detection of numeric for loops going from `#t` to `1` without
  negative step.
* Added support for LuaRocks 3 module autodetection when checking
* Updated `love` standard for LÖVE 11.1.


* Default set of standard globals is now always `max`, allowing globals of all
  Lua versions. `_G` std is deprecated.


* Added missing globals to `rockspec` std: `hooks`, `deploy`,
  `build_dependencies`, `test_dependencies`, and `test`.
* Fixed line lengths appearing in the output before other warnings on the same
  line even if their column numbers are smaller.


* Luacheck now depends on argparse instead of bundling it.
* LuaFileSystem dependency is now required.

Any feedback is appreciated!

-- Best regards,
-- Peter Melnichenko