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Op Vr., 14 Sep. 2018 om 22:24 het Joseph Manning <> geskryf:

>    #!/usr/bin/env lua5.3
>    if #arg ~= 2 then
>       print( arg[ 0 ] .. " : two parameters expected" )
>       return
>       end
>    -- continue normal processing with two parameters
>    ...
>    ...
> My question is about the use of 'return' to halt the script.
> Is this totally valid?  Yes, it seems to work fine in practice,
> but I have not seen any explicit confirmation or examples of its use
> in either the Lua Reference Manual or Pil4 or elsewhere.

Well, it would be very strange if "lua xxx.lua" had a mechanism for
running a file different from "dofile", and in the case of the latter
the manual does say

Opens the named file and executes its contents as a Lua chunk. ...
Returns all values returned by the chunk.