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>>>>> "Brice" == Brice André <> writes:

 Andrew> setfenv doesn't exist in 5.2+; in current versions you use the
 Andrew> environment parameter to load() instead.

 Brice> I tried the "sandbox enviroment" method you propopsed. After
 Brice> some googling, I tried the following code (with call to
 Brice> "PushSandboxEnvironmentTable" inserted between the
 Brice> "luaL_loadbuffer" and the "lua_pcall" to set a local environment
 Brice> with only function "print" available.

 Brice> But at execution with this code, lua is complaining that "print"
 Brice> does not exist.

It ought to be complaining that "print" is not a function, because what
you pushed in the environment table is a string not a closure.

If you want to see my actual code, then:
(this file is the one setting up the sandbox environment)

(also see compile.c:pllua_prepare_function which actually sets the
environment upvalue, though in my case it's not supplying the sandbox
table directly but rather a metatable whose __index points to the
sandbox's "global" table; some code in init.c, elog.c and error.c may
also be relevant.)
