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It was thus said that the Great Egor Skriptunoff once stated:
> The conclusions from this story:
> 1) Typos are hard-to-find bugs.
> 2) IMO, Lua have to somehow solve the problem of absence of warnings about
> misspelled identifiers.

  I use luacheck for that.  

  More specifically, Lua would have to be changed to require all variables
decleared before use.  Even luacheck requires this with special comments. 
For example, luacheck does:  "Hmm ... this is the first instance of 'baa'
I've seen.  It has not been declared as a local, nor is it a standard
global, nor has it been defined as a global to me.  Therefore, it must be a
misspelled identifier [1]."


[1]	Calling Gregg Reynolds!  Calling Gregg Reynolds! [2]

[2]	Email thread starting here: