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>   I just finished up a TLS wrapper for Lua [1] and I have used it
> with Lua coroutines [2] to handle event-driven servers [3].

This is great, thank you! I was wondering what to use for TLS (mbedTLS
looks interesting if the target language is plain C), but libtls API
feels more straightforward. I will still probably have to experience
the wonders of cross-compiling for Android.

> I tend to write the main application in Lua and use C for
> wrapping up libraries or for speed (in my case, mostly wrapping up
> libraries). 

Thanks for confirming that this approach is viable.

> I also create an executable that embeds Lua plus all the
> modules required for the program to run included.

I wonder if it is considered a sane thing to wrap a library implemented
in Lua as C/C++ code.

Best regards,