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On 07/20/2018 07:50 AM, Bill Kelsoe wrote:
> Hi, I recently built a sample code for calculating reciprocal winds for
> flight simulation purposes. I want to limit user input to numbers from
> 0-359 inclusive. Nothing like 360 should be entered by user. How can I do
> this?
> local line
> repeat
> print("Input wind heading: ");
> line =     -- read a line
>     n = tonumber(line)   -- try to convert it to a number
>     k = tonumber(line)
>     k = 180-n
>     if n > 180 then
>       print("Reciprocal heading is: ",-k)
>     elseif n < 180 then
>       print("Reciprocal heading is: ", n+180)
>       else n = 180
>       print ("are you kidding me?")
>     end
>     print("do you want to convert again? y/n?")
>     line =
> until line ~= "y"
> print("Goodbye")
> Also how can I input this into the source code executable to run it? If I
> press enter after the first line it just stops at local line.
> Thanks in advance
> Adel

local answer = 'y'
while (answer == 'y') do
  io.write('Input wind heading: ')
  local s =

  local wind_direction
  local n = tonumber(s)
    not (n and (n >= 0) and (n <= 359) and (math.type(n) == 'integer'))
    print('are you kidding me?')
    wind_direction = n

  if wind_direction then
    -- Rotate by 180 deg:
    wind_direction = (wind_direction + 180) % 360
    print(('Reciprocal heading is: %d'):format(wind_direction))

  io.write('do you want to convert again? y/n?: ')
  answer =

-- Martin