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Hi, sorry for the delayed response, I was travelling yesterday.

On 5 July 2018 at 15:01, Hisham <> wrote:
> On 5 July 2018 at 10:00, Matthew Wild <> wrote:
>> It looks like path.rocks_dir() is passed nil, and cfg.root_dir is nil
>> also. Is this expected behaviour?
> Definitely not!
> Let's try to diagnose this:
> * Did you install using `make; sudo make install` or `sudo make bootstrap`?

I ran make and sudo make install

> * Did it create a config file /usr/local/etc/luarocks/config-5.4.lua?


-- LuaRocks configuration

rocks_trees = {
   { name = "user", root = home .. "/.luarocks" },
   { name = "system", root = "/usr/local" },
lua_interpreter = "lua5.4"
variables = {
   LUA_DIR = "/usr/local",
   LUA_BINDIR = "/usr/local/bin",

> * Also, could you paste the /usr/local/bin/luarocks launcher script?
> Also, the installer failed to create the versioned `luarocks-5.4`
> symlink, right? Just noticed that.

Ah right, indeed, it created /usr/local/bin/luarocks (no suffix) after
the 'make install'. I ran that and it confirmed it was using Lua 5.4
so I simply moved it manually to /usr/local/bin/luarocks-5.4.

The launcher seems (to me) to be as expected, content follows:

package.loaded['luarocks.core.hardcoded'] = { SYSCONFDIR =
[[/usr/local/etc/luarocks]] }
package.path=[[/usr/local/share/lua/5.4/?.lua;]] .. package.path

local loader = require("luarocks.loader")
local cmd = require("luarocks.cmd")

local description = "LuaRocks main command-line interface"

local commands = {
   help = "",
   init = "luarocks.cmd.init",
   pack = "luarocks.cmd.pack",
   unpack = "luarocks.cmd.unpack",
   build = "",
   install = "luarocks.cmd.install",
   search = "",
   list = "luarocks.cmd.list",
   remove = "luarocks.cmd.remove",
   make = "luarocks.cmd.make",
   download = "",
   path = "luarocks.cmd.path",
   show = "",
   new_version = "luarocks.cmd.new_version",
   lint = "luarocks.cmd.lint",
   write_rockspec = "luarocks.cmd.write_rockspec",
   purge = "luarocks.cmd.purge",
   doc = "luarocks.cmd.doc",
   upload = "luarocks.cmd.upload",
   config = "luarocks.cmd.config",
   which = "luarocks.cmd.which",
   test = "luarocks.cmd.test",

cmd.run_command(description, commands, "luarocks.cmd.external", ...)
