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On Sat, May 21, 2016 at 8:18 AM, Egor Skriptunoff wrote:

simple program that determines Lua version.

local f, t = function()return function()end end, {nil,
   [false]  = 'Lua 5.1',
   [true]   = 'Lua 5.2',
   [1/'-0'] = 'Lua 5.3',
   [1]      = 'LuaJIT' }
local version = t[1] or t[1/0] or t[f()==f()]

The curious fact about this program is that it doesn't depend on anything
that can be changed.

Here is an update of Lua version detector.
Support for 5.0 and 5.4 was added.
local version = 'Lua 5.0'
local n = '8'; repeat n = n*n until n == n*n
local t = {'Lua 5.1', nil,
  [-1/0] = 'Lua 5.2',
  [1/0]  = 'Lua 5.3',
  [2]    = 'LuaJIT'}
local version = t[2] or t[#'\z'] or t[n/'-0'] or 'Lua 5.4'