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The link to download the library from LuaRocks:


or the command:

luarocks install libdeflate

From: Haoqian He
Sent: Wednesday, June 6, 2018 11:46 PM
Subject: My Implementation of Pure Lua Compressor and Decompressor




I have recently implemented a pure Lua compressor and decompressor, called LibDeflate. This compressor uses DEFLATE and zlib format, and has high compressor ratio. Meanwhile, the compressor is pure Lua and does not depend on any external library. The compressor supports Lua 5.1/5.2/5.3 and LuaJIT 2.0/2.1


According to , the only other pure Lua Compressor I have found is LibCompress (, where LibDeflate compresses much better than it. All other libraries on that Wiki page ultimately would depend on some libraries that uses C bindings, thus not pure Lua. If any one knows any other good pure Lua compressor, please let me know.


The source code of the LibDeflate library locates on:


I have also published LibDeflate on LuaRocks:


Appreciate any suggestions. Thanks.