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On Mon, May 21, 2018 at 11:52 PM, Egor Skriptunoff
<> wrote:
> On Tue, May 22, 2018 at 1:57 AM, dyngeccetor8 wrote:
>> Lua 5.3 has four unary operators: "#", "~", "-", "not".
>> Lowering priority of "-" looks inconsistent.
>> Lowering priority of all unary operators hurts more than cures.
> Unary operators are very different.
> Why do you want all unary operators to have the same priority?
> I see no point in it.

Because three of those four are negation operators and SHOULD behave
the same way? I wouldn't complain if # had a different precedence than
the rest, but the others should be as consistent as possible.

/s/ Adam