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Am 28.03.2018 um 18:04 schröbte Petri Häkkinen:

The differences with arrays emulated with tables are:

+ much, much higher performance than possible with ’n’ field trick
+ standardized way to query the length (using the # operator)
+ the length is automatically updated when you insert values — this is essentially for free

Couldn't you just add the length-updating code to normal tables? I mean we already pay the extra space for the length field. Then we wouldn't need a table subtype or new syntax, and the following code would continue to work as expected:

    function tcopy( t )
      local copy = {}
      for k,v in pairs( t ) do
        copy[ k ] = v
      return copy  -- returns an array if given an array



p.s. I believe this proposal isn't new and was rejected because of the extra space and performance cost for non-array tables, but maybe your benchmarks change that.