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I would like to add one last thing before I go.

Professor Roberto,

I don't know why I wrote these things. This morning I wake up and went
for a walk, and I was thinking Lua. I came back and finished the washing
and still I was thinking Lua. Then I saw one my all time favorites
books: Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger, and opened a page in the same
way you roll the dices. And I've read:

"I don't know why I've said these things to her .... (some dream thougts 
about a dream life) ...
But the scariest thing of all it was that I believed them, that can
become real. I'm really insane!"

I believe also that the general plan that was described here can become

I have to point out to you how lucky you are, that you have so much
talent around you. In your place I would use them without mercy.

I do not have nothing else to say to you, other than I have a woman
friend from Bahia that runs with her family a hostage, a very nice
traditional house, that I know that she will be happy to host the
Professor from PUC RIO. I would pay for you but I have to first buy
a pair of glasses and to fix my teeths, which I leave them without
care for years now, because when you are a parent you think your kids
and not yourself. 

Like in this case. You created an exceptional kid, Lua.
And you have around exceptional people who care.

Just (please) think about this and then decide with bravity.

Best wishes to all,
See you.