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On 2018-03-16 11:17 AM, Hisham wrote:
On 16 March 2018 at 07:56, John Hind <> wrote:
for i,v in pairs(t) do print(i,v) end
A perfect example of why deprecating __ipairs was the wrong move. It
ought to be possible to make this code work with ipairs(t) as well, but
with no __ipairs metamethod it can't be done.
Except of course by the simple expedient of replacing ipairs(t) with a
that does what you want it to do directly! Even, if you insist, with a
version that
uses a metamethod __ipairs! The metamethods on both pairs and ipairs have
always baffled me with their utter triviality!
When writing a library, you cannot assume you can monkey-patch other
people's standard libraries at will.

Not everyone writes Lua code in a situation where they can play God
with the environment.

-- Hisham

Useful snippet to have in your code:

do local mt = {__ipairs=function(t) return t.i end} local t = setmetatable({i=function() end},mt) if ipairs(t) ~= t.i then local oldipairs = ipairs; ipairs = --[[monkeypatch here]] end end

Always probe the "standard" libraries, and always fallback to the previous one. Never assume they haven't been monkeypatched. (Also, probing helps with performance.)

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