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Sorry, just to clarify the attached file doesn't work correctly yet. 

On Thu, Mar 15, 2018 at 9:16 PM, Russell Haley <> wrote:
Hi Lua Team, 

Microsoft has "graciously" offered the VC Build tools sans Visual Studio for 2017. The install is still around 6.8 gigs, but it means a compiler and nmake are present. Is there any interest in adding an nmake file to the Lua sources? 

I took a brief stab at it today when I was testing the VS Build tools (like 15 minutes). I will continue picking at it if there is any interest. I get several "whack tons" of warnings I'll have to look into [1] :

c:\users\russh\lua\lua-5.4.0-work1\src\lua.c(560) : warning C4711: function 'dochunk' selected for automatic inline expansion



[1] Whack Tons: The official unit for measuring compiler warnings you don't know what to do with