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On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 6:45 PM, Coda Highland <> wrote:
On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 7:47 PM, Tomás Guisasola
<> wrote:
> Hi Roberto
>> No, this is not like _javascript_! 'undef' is NOT a value.
> But it is used as a value.  It sounds strange to me...
>> t[i]=undef is a special syntax form that means "remove the key 'i'
>> from table 't'".
> But it seems like an assignment.  Wouldn't be better to create a special
> syntax for removing a key from a table instead pretending it as an
> assingment?
> You should have considered a pair of functions, such as table.undefine(t, i)
> to undefine a key, and table.defined(t, i) to check whether the table has
> the key.  Why did you choose the assignment?
> Regards,
> Tomás

Functions are a bad idea, because this really is a language primitive.

Can I ask why this would be considered a primitive and not just a behaviour of tables?
If it were a function it could be re-assigned and used as a check for any bounds value or "tomb stone". It would potentially also be valid in both normal and LUA_NILINTABLE mode.


That said, I would have preferred a keyword operator ("delete x")
instead of a syntactic constant-ish thing. I understand why it wasn't
done -- it simplifies the grammar because it's not a new token type,
just a special case in the existing grammar, and it's mostly
backwards-compatible if you turn the feature off.

/s/ Adam