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> I am trying to find out where "add" function is stored. Since it is defined local it was not there in _ENV and _G. I also cannot find it in the upvalues. Where is the function?

It's not an upvalue, it's a regular local value, so you'd need to use
`debug.getlocal` instead (iterate over values and find the one with
the name you are looking for). Something like this should work:

i = 1
while true do
  local name, value = debug.getlocal(1, i)
  if not name then break end
  print(name, value)
  i = i + 1


On Sat, Mar 3, 2018 at 5:22 PM, Milind Gupta <> wrote:
> Hi,
>      I have the following code snippet:
> ---------------------------------------------------
> local function add(a,b)
> return a + b
> end
> print(_ENV["add"],_G["add"],add)
> for k,v in pairs(_ENV) do
> print(k,v)
> end
> print("-------------------")
> print(debug.getupvalue(debug.getinfo(1).func,1))
> ------------------------------------------------------
> I am trying to find out where "add" function is stored. Since it is defined
> local it was not there in _ENV and _G. I also cannot find it in the
> upvalues. Where is the function?
> Thanks,
> Milind