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2018-02-26 16:10 GMT+02:00 albertmcchan <>:
> On Feb 26, 2018, at 2:35 AM, Dirk Laurie <> wrote:
>> 2018-02-26 5:43 GMT+02:00 Paul K <>:
>>>> what if later versions of dofile allow optional command-line args ?
>>> We'll cross this bridge when we get there. For now this logic should
>>> work with all Lua 5.1+ versions.
>> Why is it better to use debug.getlocal than "'..."?
> using ... from unknown source is dangerous, ... can be anything
> A.lua: loadfile "B.lua" "A"  -- running B standalone
>           if package.loading(...) then print "requiring A" else print "standalone A"end
> B.lua: if package.loading(...) then print "requiring B" else print "standalone B" end
> lua> require "A"
> requiring "B"   -- wrong !!! tested package.loading "A"
> requiring "A"
> -- replaced (...) with actual modname, we get
> lua> require "A"
> standalone B
> requiring A

All of whch TL;DR attempts to demonstrate why "..." may fail, but does
not answer my question, which is "why is debug.getlocal better?"