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Dibyendu Majumdar <> wrote:

> On 1 February 2018 at 23:11, Joshua Jensen <> wrote:
>> 5) It has a bunch of Lua modules that I (and others) regularly use, and the
>> versions of those modules embedded in the Git repository work in concert
>> with one another. lrexlib is not at latest, for instance, because there were
>> some major API changes once, and they broke a ton of production scripts at
>> an organization. There also might be a submodule or two, but using them is
>> not a priority. When a Lua module needs a tweak for better behavior
>> (compilation issue/bugfix/Lua 5.3 support/whatever), I do it right there. I
>> manually upgrade Lua modules with WinMerge when needed. All of this is
>> happiness-inducing.
> I thought about copying the projects into my own repository like you
> have done, but it seems that one can achieve the same thing by forking
> a project and referencing it. The main advantage is that all the
> original history is retained.

Yes, preserving history is a great reason to fork repositories under GitHub.
According to some recent research[1] about 70% of all code on their platform
is duplicated via the fork mechanism. In reality even more code is probably
duplicated as they can't easily count code that is manually copy/pasted.

I have also forked LuaPlus for use in my own project as it does have some
functionality I will need at a future point as well. Thanks for sharing your
source Joshua, it is very appreciated!

One thing I did wonder about, on GitHub you have the URL
listed, however, that URL just seems to redirect back to GitHub. Did you
have anything on that site in the past, or has it always just been a redir?

>> If any of these serve as strategies/policies/workflows/arrangements/whatever
>> for creating your Ravi distribution, then awesome. Steal as you see fit.
> Thank you - I will learn from your experiences. If you could point out
> what the pain points were that would be very helpful.

I am also interested in any extra information you may care to share!

