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Am 2018-01-29 03:40, schrieb Paige DePol:

I fully understand what you mean here... when I think of code I often
already have a structure in mind for how it should function. Having to
change that structure around when typing in the code can break that flow and can even introduce bugs. If I see my code in a switch/case construct, or even ternaries, then it can be a pain having to convert it to if/else!

If you structure the code with switch, ternaries and stuff like that in your mind, then you are obviously already thinking in terms of some programming language. May I ask, why don't you use that language then, instead of another one that does not seem to fit to your thoughts? (that is an honest question)

That and a desire to hack and learn what makes
things work the way they do! :)

This is obviously a valid reason for hacking ... just about anything :)
