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Hi everyone,

I hope you all are enjoying some nice holidays.

I was involved in running the Lua Workshop and ended up being in charge of uploading them - task which was finished last week.

You can find them linked on the Lua Workshop website or all together on the Lua Workshop Youtube channel.

I want to apologize for several things.

* The audio quality is really poor. We recorded everything using the camera's built-in microphone and lots of ambient noise got into the videos. I have done my best to clear it out using iMovie, but the result are still ... not exactly pleasant to the human ear.

* One talk is missing: I could not find the talk "Navigating the smart card world with Lua", by William Ahern, on the files I got. One of the memory card dumps was corrupted and I suspect the presentation was there. I have tried several recovery programs but could not open it.

* Efficient Layer 7 Search of IP Address Space cuts abruptly during the questions section at the end because our memory card run out of space and we didn't notice.

* It took me a lot of time to upload all the videos; iMovie kept crashing on me until Apple rolled an update, at which point it started working. Publishing the videos on their original state was not an option (they were really almost inaudible). Still, I think this could have been handled better.

Finally, I want to thank to all the organizers, speakers and attendees for making this event possible. It was my first Lua workshop and I had a blast.

Wishing you a very fine new year,

Enrique ( kikito / @otikik )