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On 2017-10-10 02:44 PM, Dirk Laurie wrote:
2017-10-10 14:52 GMT+02:00 Soni L. <>:
local m, pos
repeat -- TODO fix
   m, pos = string.match(word_eol[2],
"%f[\\",1).."](\\*)",1).."()", pos)
until #m % 2 == 0

I'm having issues making this work.
The title of the post describes a trivial problem (answer: #str+1).

I can't work by reading it what problem the code tries to solve.

Sorry, I meant end of string literal.

After a few hours I came up with this, which works:

local m, pos
  m, pos = string.match(word_eol[2], "(\\*)",1).."()", pos or 2)
until m == nil or #m % 2 == 0

(cw:sub(1,1) being one of " or ')

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