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On 2017-09-27 04:01 AM, Sean Conner wrote:
It was thus said that the Great hz . once stated:

Is there a way to init table field as:

tbl = {
  a = ‘aaa’,
  b = a,

where b is inited as ‘aaa’?

Or what’s the most simple approach to do this.
   Umm ...

	tbl =
	  a = 'aaa'

	tbl.b = tbl.a -- ?

	tbl = {}
	tbl.a = 'aaa'
	tbl.b = tbl.a -- ?


tbl = {}
do local _ENV = tbl
  a = 'aaa'
  b = a
  -- be careful with accidentally assigning to a local, however.

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