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$ lua
Lua 5.3.4  Copyright (C) 1994-2017, PUC-Rio
> "\u"
stdin:1: missing '{' near '"\u"'
> "\u{"
stdin:1: hexadecimal digit expected near '"\u{"'
> "hello \u{"
stdin:1: hexadecimal digit expected near '"hello \u{"'
> "hello \x20 \u{"
stdin:1: hexadecimal digit expected near '"hello   \u{"'
> "hello \x00 \u{"
stdin:1: hexadecimal digit expected near '"hello '
> "hello \x1b[33m \u{" -- everything beyond this point shall look GOLD
stdin:1: hexadecimal digit expected near '"hello  \u{"'

This doesn't look good... (try it on a color terminal. sadly email doesn't do well with colors...)

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