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The memory allocation of "array" part of tables increases by a factor
of 2, as we can see from the program below

mem = function() return collectgarbage"count"/1048576 end -- Gbyte
t = {}
c = mem()
count = 1
while c < 4 do
  t[count] = c
  c = mem()
  if c > 1.5*t[#t] then print(c) end
  count = count + 1

but this is very annoying when we are using many Lua states trying to
use each byte of many GB with very huge tables (many GB) concurrently.

But the code

f = function(n) return string.format("%d",n) end
t = nil collectgarbage()
t = {}
c = mem()
count = 1
while c < 4 do
  t[f(count)] = c
  c = mem()
  if c > 1.5*t[f(count)] then print(c) end
  count = count + 1

does not have this annoying behavior, showing a more straight memory allocation.

Then, this seems to be an "implementation detail" that I would want to avoid.

Is this possible? How?

Rodrigo Azevedo Moreira da Silva