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It was thus said that the Great Laurent FAILLIE once stated:
> And this function is called by :
>     lua_State *tstate = luaL_newstate(); /* Initialise new state for the  
> thread */
>     assert(tstate);
>     luaL_openlibs( tstate );
>     init_shared_Lua( tstate );
>     init_SelFIFO( tstate );
> code :

  Wrong file---the code is in selene.c (and similar in SelMQTT.c).  But the
one thing that *really* stands out is this:                                

        lua_xmove( L, tstate, 1 );         

  You might want to double check the documentation for lua_xmove() because
it's not doing what you think it's doing.  I'm not sure that's what's
causing the issue you are seeing, but it's probably causing *some* issue.
