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On Mon, Jun 12, 2017 at 3:48 AM, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo
<> wrote:
>> This message seems to slightly pre-date my gmail records so I am
>> stealing the title to ask a question. The readme states potential
>> usage includes "Experimenting with new syntax without hacking the Lua
>> source (reserved.lua)".
>> Would this be the mechanism one would utilise to experiment with
>> adding "domain specific languages" to Lua?
> I see it as *one* mechanism, yes, and an easy one to use. But there are
> others, such as Metalua. I'd love to hear about uses of ltokenp as a
> tool for building DSLs with Lua.

You are a cruel and heartless man. Have you no thought for those of
use that can't sleep with that kind of temptation just sitting there?

I'd really like to see two things in lua: a native persistence engine
and a linq like syntax for working with tables

I'm playing with the idea of a lua table persistence library based on
lmdb ( The lua
wrapper I am using is called lightningmdb and it's brilliant
( I had a prototype, then I
broke it, so I started on my first revision,  but just broke that too.
I had it working with moses (kind of) to produce the chained table
manipulation pattern but ltokenp just makes my head spin with ideas
(like wrapping moses!!!!). I can also track the changes made to a
table via some metatable mechanisms borrowed from PIL. Where it gets
really exiting is lmdb can be used for indexing table values. I can
pull data from table values by running an anonymous function during
commits and storing values as a reverse key back to the original data
(instant index!). I had an index working in a prototype that wasn't
very dynamic, but the pattern was there.

The following is a non-working snippet pulled from a test file without
indexes. The commit() doesn't work with moses yet, but I think it
gives the idea. Wouldn't all this look really nice with a custom DSL
like Steve Donavan did in Penlight?

--load the library
local persist = require("lua-persist")
--open the file
local env ="data")
--open your database/table
local db_players = env:open_database("players")

local serpent = require("serpent")
local m = require("moses")

local function getPlayerYears(k,v,p)
  --  if type(k) ~= 'number' then
  --    return nil
  --  end
  if(string.sub(k,1,4) == tostring(p)) then
    return string.sub(k,5),{k,v,p}

local function getPlayersByCity(k,v,...)
  local p = table.pack(...)
  local ok,res
  if type(v) == 'string' then
    ok, res = assert(serpent.load(v))
  elseif type(v) == 'table' then
    ok, res = true, v
    return nil

  if ok then
    for _,v in pairs(p) do
      if res.Team.City == v then
        return k,res
  return nil

--This was my own pattern
local retvals = db_players:search(getPlayersByCity,"Vancouver")

local players = db_players:get_all()

--This is using moses
local van = m.chain(players)
  :countBy(function(i,v) return v.Team.City end)

--local teams = m.chain(players):countBy(function(i,v) return
v.Team.City end):value()

if teams then
  for i,v in pairs(teams) do
  print('no vals')

--Sadly the commit at the end doesn't work...
  :select(function(i,v) return v.Team.City=="Vancouver" end)
  :forEach(function(i,v) v.Team.Name="Nuckleheads" end)

