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To resume the thread on curated libraries for Lua, I'd like to start with
math libraries. This is a niche that is dear to me and which is probably
easier to handle than a comprehensive list of libraries for all purposes.

The goal is to produce a curated list of math libraries for Lua that
can serve as a reference to the community. I'm not sure how much demand
there is for math libraries for Lua, but a one-stop place would be nice.
Ideally, the list will contain reasons for selecting a given library,
with comments about why other libraries for the same task are not as good.

*  One, biased, starting point are my own libraries:
   Are they any good?
   Which ones are worth keeping?
   Which ones are missing?

   Besides the ones in my page I have unpublished bindings for cephes, filib,
   a tiny fraction of freetype enough to get the geometric data for glyphs,
   Shewchuk's Triangle, hpalib, gcc libquadmath. 

*  The other natural starting point is luarocks:
   Which ones are any good?
   Which ones are missing?

*  Are there other repositories or individual libraries we should be aware of?
