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On Mon, May 01, 2017 at 21:36:42 -0400, Foster Schucker wrote:
> So I see big blocks of UTF8 message code in the digest on a regular basis.
> My savior is people that quote it and then I can see text again.
> Can we run a POC on making Lua UTF8 aware by making the mailing program
> (that's written in Lua???) be UTF8 aware and translate blocks of text back
> to ascii.

We use Mailman.  Sadly Mailman 3 is amazingly difficult to deploy properly but
it is on my list of things to do once I've migrated Pepperfish (the hosting
service lua-l runs on) to some new hardware and newer OS version.

Hopefully mailman 3 will improve handling of unicode etc.


Daniel Silverstone               
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