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On Sat, Apr 29, 2017 at 5:15 PM, Jay Carlson <> wrote:
> I should just get used to glancing that manual again before opening my
> mouth. As usual with pl, It's In There.

Notice it's called pseudo-SQL ;)  Real SQL is a Specialized Problem,
which I felt outside the ambit of pl.  Didn't stop me from fooling
around with XML, of course ;)

> What's pl's compatibility profile these days? 5.1+5.2? I've been avoiding
> doing it seriously, but the still-on-rushing JSON juggernaut[2] suggests a
> need for jsom.

Works with 5.3 - if it doesn't, then that's a Bug.

> [1]: SQL is pronounced "squeal".

So See-quell is the yahoo version? ;)

> Finally, for non-private protocols there will be a mismatch between the
> surface expressions and the internal models for it. So we're back to tearing
> down JSON trees to build our own trees, and you had to do that for XML too.

Rust has an entertaining take on the problem with the Serde
framework.. By adding a few attributes to a struct (and doing some
clever macro magic) you can very easily create it from JSON of the
right shape and spit it out again with a few lines. All done at
compile time, very efficient.